Kunshan WonderTek Technology Co.,Ltd.
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China LTE 2024 concluded successfully!
Source:未知 Time:2024-07-18 16:05
China LTE 2024 concluded successfully!
From May 29th to 31st, the three-day CeMAT ASIA series exhibition-2024 China (Guangzhou) International Logistics Equipment and Technology Exhibition came to a successful conclusion in Area D of the Guangzhou Canton Fair Complex.

At the exhibition, the Kunshan WonderTek Technology booth was extremely popular, attracting many visitors to stop and linger. The professional industrial communication transmission solutions and the characteristic display that directly hit the pain points of the industry demonstrated the hard-core R&D strength, which amazed the audience. At the same time, in-depth exchanges were also conducted with professionals from various industries such as logistics warehousing, energy facilities, rail transportation, and smart garages.

The three-day LTE 2024 has come to a successful conclusion, but Kunshan WonderTek has always adhered to the goal of promoting the continuous advancement of industrial intelligent manufacturing and has never stopped. In the future, Kunshan Netdian Technology will continue to forge ahead, stay true to its original aspiration, and provide users with more professional, sophisticated and convenient products and services.


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